Unlock Higher States of Consciousness, Understanding, and Being
Are You Collecting Thoughts and Insights?
In 2021, I want to be more consistent with how I collect Thoughts. For Christmas, my wife gave me a book journal, and the best way to gain insightful thoughts, I find, is from books. A key way that I plan to start collecting thoughts is just to write down some of the most insightful ones I come across in my readings.
In 2021, I want to be more consistent with how I collect Thoughts. For Christmas, my wife gave me a book journal, and the best way to gain insightful thoughts, I find, is from books. A key way that I plan to start collecting thoughts is to write down some of the most insightful ones I come across in my readings.
If you are curious, my way of doing this is to write down thought-provoking or insightful quotes in my book journal. I also write down the page, so I can go back and explore the context more deeply if I wish. Then when I finish the book, I can reflect on these great insights.
I want to stick to the habit of writing down these insights to reflect on them more deeply. When I reflect on them, I may ask myself – Is this truly insightful? Have I come across this idea before, perhaps just stated differently? Have I applied this in my own life or seen it applied? What are the limitations of this idea? Might it work under some conditions, but not in others?
Of course, insights are different for everyone. An insightful idea to me may be mundane for you, or vice versa. What is insightful for someone depends on life experience, the goals we set, and our interests. Also, many great insights may come from anywhere, not just books – it could be an experience, a conversation, observing people, a podcast, a class, and so on.
As I have already explored much of my history and life experiences and some of my own key insights in my prior posts (see some of them on the Start Here page), going into the future, I plan to discuss and site particular sources of insights. I see no reason to summarize a whole book, but rather, I may mention a key insight I gained from a book and discuss what I believe some implications may be or how the insight could be applied for our benefit. I may even aim to apply it first and then let you know how that went for me.
Keeping track of sources is important, so if you find a post especially useful, you can explore that Thought more deeply by reading the source material.
Hopefully, you can gain manifold insights this way. For example, I will share an insight I read about or experienced. Then, I will share my personal insights about that insight. Then I may ask you to reflect on this, hopefully allowing you to build new insights based on the ones I shared with you. We shall see if this works how I think it will – stay tuned to future posts to find out.
I will admit that I am often stuck in my own mind – and so it could be quite beneficial if I were to focus on applying some insightful ideas to see what true value could be gained from them. If I find some useful insights that I can apply, I will aim to do this and report back to you on how it goes. I hope this will keep the site useful, interesting, and inspiring for you.
In 2021, I wish to have more insights and share more insights and apply the best ones to help myself, and you, and everyone.
I wish you an INSIGHTFUL 2021! May you be full of great INSIGHTS.
To discover how to read more deeply and attain more insights through your readings, I recommend: The Insightful Reader: How to Learn Deeply & Attain Life-Changing Insights from Books
As a final thought, if you have any new insights, I would be glad to hear from you in the form of a comment (on this post, or any relevant post). Keep in mind that the comments are not just for me. Usually, they can benefit many other readers who could learn from your valuable experiences. For instance, you may ask a question, share an experience, or provide your own thoughts on one of my posts.