Unlock Higher States of Consciousness, Understanding, and Being
Seeing Through
You may arrive at a point of observing someone and knowing what the intent is behind their every word and action. For instance, they want to appear attractive, friendly, interesting, funny, powerful, or wealthy.
Our demeanor and the words we speak reveal what is on our minds. We may not say what we are thinking precisely, but often just through listening and observing, you will come to See Through a person. You may even come to perceive them better than they know themselves.
When we lie or “bend the truth,” often we are doing this for the benefit of ourselves, just as much as we do it for others. But these falsehoods prevent us from truly Seeing at all.
A path to Seeing Through is to lose concern over how you appear to be and to focus entirely on someone else. You may do this by simply wanting to know the truth and exploring every statement that a person makes. Further, you may explore every facial expression, the intonation of voice, and what it is that this person wishes you to see, versus what actually is.
Any statement that deviates even slightly from the pure truth signals an intent. You will see that this person wants you to think something for a particular reason. For example, they exaggerated or implied something was the case when it wasn’t. Their words may have painted a beautiful picture of who they are and what they have done, but perhaps their actions haven’t lived up to their words.
See Through them to see things as they actually are.
And for any statement they make, you may ask what presumptions they have made. With those presumptions, you can quickly understand what beliefs or ideas are so important to them that they have stopped questioning them. They have assumed these things to be true when perhaps they were not.
Any statement at all tends to presuppose something, to assume that something is the case. You simply have to be willing to consider what they are and ask yourself “What assumption is at play here?”. Then you should be aware that the assumption could be wrong.
Seeing Through, essentially, is about taking a small amount of information, and extrapolating abundantly from there, to provide a full picture of where someone is coming from.
Soon enough, in exploring people’s demeanors and the words they say and beyond, you will quickly figure out their intentions. You will know how they want to be perceived and why, and what matters to them. You may know where they came from and where they are headed and why, just from a few words.
When you master the practice of Seeing Through, you will see that what I have said above is what often applies. People want to appear attractive, friendly, interesting, funny, powerful, or wealthy.
Some people may even make efforts to appear superior on all those fronts, perhaps desiring to be seen as better than others.
And strangely, the ones trying to be seen in a certain way have often failed to meet that goal. Otherwise, why would they focus on it so much?
Seeing Through others is an ability we may all acquire in due time, with life experience. But we tend to forget to use that ability on ourselves. We don’t practice Seeing Through our own empty desires to appear to be a certain way.
What do you want to appear to be that is not actually who you are?
See Through Others, and this is worthy, for you will come to see people as they are. See Through Yourself, and this is a higher path, for you will come to see yourself as you are.
To explore truths about yourself and the world more deeply, you may wish to read Your Personal Truth: A Journey to Discover Your Truth, Become Your True Self, & Live Your Truth. The book is available on Amazon and other major retailers.